Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Dietary Fiber Helps Cardiovascular Disease

The biggest causes of death around the world is from diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is mainly heart disease and stroke, both of which are caused by blockages of the cardiovascular system – blood vessels – in the heart … Continue reading

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A very warm welcome to High in Fiber Foods

Thanks for visiting the site. We’re a one stop shop to learn everything you need to learn to know how to make sure you and your family can benefit from a happy and healthy high in fiber diet. Please browse … Continue reading

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High fiber pasta salad strategy

Pasta salads can be a great healthy snack that can be eaten on the go. But there’s a simple preparation step to increase the dietary fiber content and make a high fiber pasta salad. This can make the meal even … Continue reading

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Dietary Fiber in a Banana – Resistant Starch

Banana’s are well known as a rich source of Potassium. But did you know that there’s also a great source of dietary fiber in a banana too? That’s right! Like all plant materials, bananas are rich in the types of … Continue reading

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